Popular singer or vocalist from No Doubt, Gwen Stefani, was born at California in 1969 which makes her in her 45 right now. Besides becoming a singer, Gwen also known as a fashion designer, actress, and great songwriter. Become a success actress makes Gwen become the subject of paparazzi which always try to find hot news from the diva. Recently, Gwen Stefani also rumored for have done plastic surgery. In red carpet, she looks so stunning and fabulous even though she is in her 40. Her face and her appearance do not represent her real age. People wonder why this dive always can manage a great look although she starts to get aged. Is really just great makeup? Or maybe she has another secret behind her beautiful appearance?
Gwen Stefani Plastic Surgery Before and After Pictures 2025
Gwen Stefani Before And After Plastic Surgery
Did Gwen Stefani Have Plastic Surgery?
Has Gwen Stefani had plastic surgery? The Hollaback Girl seems never get aged which lead to Gwen Stefani plastic surgery rumor. Until now there is no official statement from the singer herself regarding the fact about her own plastic surgery. It seems she really did it to increase her sexiness and of course to maintain youthful look just like any other celebrities. It is not surprising that a public figure like Gwen always want to look great wherever she goes.
Gwen “the Hollaback Girl” Plastic Surgery Issue
To make sure whether Gwen has gone under surgery knife, you can compare her recent pictures with her old photos. You may notice there is something different in the way she looks. What kind of plastic surgery that Gwen has done?
Gwen Stefani Nose Job
The most obvious transformation from Gwen Stefani is her nose. Before he has wider and bigger nose, but now it seems her nose is smaller and pointy. Her bulbous nose changes into smaller and thinner. Fortunately, the nose job has done a great job for her face because of the nose shape matches and fit really well on her face.
Gwen Stefani Boob Job
Gwen Stefani also rumored to have breast implantation. Her breast which flatter and small now change into bigger boobs and rounder. It looks like she has B cup bra size compared than before when her size still in A cup. If you do not believe, you can try to compare her old photos when she wore swimsuit or bikini back in 1990. You can see that her breast is flat and small, but now she starts to have bigger breast which makes people suspect that she really goes under the knife for breast implants.
Gwen Stefani Botox Injection
Gwen is already in her 45, but we can barely see any wrinkles and frown lines. It looks like Gwen has done facial filler like Botox or any other plastic surgery that have the same purpose and that is to maintain a youthful look, get rid aging signs, and whatsoever. Her face really does not represent her real age, maybe she is in her 45, but she looks like the woman in her 30. Whatever she was done but it makes her looks better. The plastic surgery has done a great job for her.
Gwen Stefani Eyelid Surgery
Last but not least, Gwen also rumored to have eyelid lift plastic surgery in order to make her eyes free from the eye back and any wrinkles. Her recent photos show that she looks younger especially her eyes which free from fine lines. Moreover, her eyes also look wider than before, maybe is from her Blepharoplasty.
Conclusion for Gwen Plastic Surgery Issue
Until now there is no official statement from Gwen Stefani herself regarding this issue. But, we all know that Gwen really has done several plastic surgeries to change her body shape and facial shape. We just hope Gwen does not do it anymore in the future.