
Julie Chen Plastic Surgery 2024

Julie Chen has a very successful career, which is not only supported by her talent but also by her beautiful appearance. That is why she has able to maintain her career to be appearing every day on television. However, constant day appearance means she also has to have a perfect appearance by changing her appearance. This is why allegation about the use of Julie Chen plastic surgery comes out on her. Especially since she had a very obvious change in her appearance when compared to Julie Chen before and after picture that was taken from her first debut in the entertainment industry.

Julie Chen Plastic Surgery Before And After Pictures 2024

Julie Chen Plastic Surgery Before and After 2024

Julie Chen Before And After Plastic Surgery

Did Julie Chen Have Plastic Surgery? Julie Chen Success in Career by Altering Her Appearance

Has Julie Chen had plastic surgery? It is actually very common for everyone who had great success in the entertainment industry to change their appearance. The reason is they want to appear more beautiful, so they can still exist in the entertainment industry.

Julie Chen Chin Implant

If you take a look at Julie Chen’s face, you will notice how her face used to be rounder with a big chin. However, if you look at her today, you will see that now she has longer face shape with a more protruding chin that she does not have before. It seems that she has used a chin implant to correct her image so it could appear more oval, which is the standard that the entertainment industry gave to her. And it is very obvious with the length of her face which able to change her overall appearance into a more beautiful look.

Julie Chen Nose Job

Another thing that you can pay attention to Julie Chen is her nose, where it used to have big size, with large nostrils and wide bridges that very visible in her debut era. However, if you see her current appearance, you will be shocked at how much her nose has changed from then. You can see that now she has a slimmer nose which surely more sculptured than before. Moreover, the tip has also become pointier, which show that she really has done nose job in demand of more perfect appearance. Surely this new nose shape has able to change her overall face look with a more beautiful appearance.

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Julie Chen Cheek Implant

The use of the implant does not only stay at her chin since she also needs it on her cheek. If you notice how her cheek has change into more plump from where it used to be a flat one. If she continues to have a flat cheek, she will appear older than her real age. Although sunken face has just started in her forties age, but still she does not want that to disturb her appearance in the television screen. This is why she did the procedure so she could get a fresher look for her performance.

Julie Chen Eyelid Surgery

As East Asian people, Julie Chen is not a lucky one since she does not have double eyelids which some East Asian people have. This is why the only way that she could have that kind of eyelid is only by using eyelid surgery, which specially made to create double eyelids on her eyes. Some people might not know that some East Asian people also have double eyelids, so most people will think that she tries to look Caucasian. However, she only did it to change her facial feature, so it would not appears to be too serious and not casual enough.

When asked about those surgeries, she only admits that she uses eyelid surgery since she constantly being pressured with the director of her show and several agents.

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