
Jaejoong Plastic Surgery 2025

Jaejoong’s fame is one of the things that also made K-pop become famous since he was one of the first generation of K-pop boy bands that was able to expand overseas. Of course, the breakup of his previous boy band became the next big hit since it hurt a lot of his fans. Still, this beautiful flower boy made up for it with his next boy band career. But that beauty he has does not always come out from natural results since Jaejoong plastic surgery has made him more beautiful as the Korean standard for beauty. Has Jaejoong had plastic surgery?

Jaejoong Plastic Surgery Before and After Pictures 2025

Jaejoong Plastic Surgery Before and After 2025

Jaejoong Before And After Plastic Surgery

Did Jaejoong Have Plastic Surgery?

There is no doubt that Jaejoong is really considered a flower boy. This title is only given to several people who consider having a beautiful appearance a high standard for Koreans. However, it seems that it is quite difficult only to get that beautiful appearance using natural methods. Especially since not all people are born with the standard that Korean people set for their celebrity, this is why plastic surgery has become the number one tool that most celebrities use in order to achieve such high standards. The result for Jaejoong is satisfying since he has successfully gained the flower boy title.

Jaejoong Double Eyelid Surgery

As someone from Korea, Jaejoong needs to follow high standards, and most celebrities should always have double eyelids. Of course, this is difficult since only a little Korean is born with a natural double eyelid. This is why he needs to do something to gain the eyelid shape he wants. Like other celebrities, he has the choice only to come down under the surgeon’s knife to create what nature does not give to him.

Jaejoong eyelid surgery has made the perfect eye shape that he wants. With a double eyelid now, his eyes have become much bigger compared to before. You can see this result in Jaejoong’s before and after pictures, which clearly show how the young man turns into a flower boy. Surprisingly, these small changes also made him appear more beautiful, which is a really good thing. Moreover, the changes are done in a subtle way so his eyes appear natural, and it does not look to his eyes, which have a naturally small shape.

Jaejoong Nose Job

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Another change that is visible in Jaejoong is the changes that he has in his nose. However, a professional apparently made this change since the result looked subtle to him. If he used to have a big nose shape, he has changed it into a smaller one. But it does not appear too sculptured, so most people would not even notice that he has done a nose job. The tip of his nose that has become pointier is the one that gives him away. This shape surely could not be gained from other things besides plastic surgery.

Jaejoong also admitted to doing those procedures; he also said the result looked amazing to him. However, since the plastic surgeon doing his nose job is making the result too subtle, he does not appear satisfied with it. He said his nose appears boring and plain since it is not sculptured well. This is why you can wait to see whether he will decide to do other surgery on his nose. However, for the overall result, we think that his procedure is enough to make him appear as a flower boy. So we really hope that he does not do any other procedure.



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